Porter Maxwell Whiteley
Age: 4 months
Weight: 15 lbs 7 oz
Height: 26.1 inches
Wearing: 3-6 month old clothing, his pants are still 0-3 month size. He clearly has short legs like his mamma.
New developments: He has rolled over a 2nd time. Still from front to back during tummy time. This time Daddy saw it and Mommy didn't! He's also started grabbing everything. I put him in his little chair so I can shower and have him close and I didn't realize that he was so close to the straightener cord. He pulled it down on top of him. Luckily it missed his noggin and was turned off but it still gave him a scare! (Mommy fail moment!) He has also started talking to himself. When he is in the carseat we have a mirror that faces him (so we can see him in the rear view mirro) and recently if he's wide awake and not sleepy he talks to the mirror (very nicely). It's cute. Last but not least, he moves in his crib. Like from one end to the other in the night! I will put him down close to one end and in the morning he is at the other end of the crib! I am scared he's going to hit his head, but the health care system tells you repeatedly not to put bumped pads in. So I'm at a loss. He's also decided he hates bottles, which is rough for me, even milk in a bottle, so we're trying to figure that one out!
Favorite things: Still smiling and baths with daddy. He kicks soo much in the bath, it's a little crazy! He likes new people too, definitely not shy unless it's a ton of people all at once! He also loves to drool, much to my dismay, which ends up in outfit changes at least 3 times a day. He has just recently decided that he loves his striped monkey from his Gramma. It's adorable and he's so cute with it!
Favorite clothes: He has an adorable striped long sleeve shirt with elbow patches that I just love!
Now for the 4 month photos!