Saturday, October 18, 2014

Porter is 2 months old!

My baby is 2 months old! He's growing like a weed and getting stronger every day. During tummy time he pushes his whole chest off the ground and moves his head from side to side. He is such a great little guy. We had a rough first few weeks and some trouble with colic. I tried absolutely everything I could to try and help him with his gassiness and grumpiness but it seemed that nothing was working. We tried Infacol, Ovol, Gripe Water, Bio Gia drops, laying down to nurse (so he wouldn't get so many bubbles while feeding), limiting my diet to pretty much nothing (there aren't a lot of options when you eliminate diary, wheat and sugar), burping multiple times during a feed, holding his belly, baby massage, essential oils (which helped a bit) and any other recommendations we could find on the World Wide Web. I finally came across a few websites that recommended chiropractic care for babies. With a 95% success rate, It would be stupid not to try.

I had been seeing a chiropractor my whole pregnancy (mainly for terrible headaches associated with my pregnancy) and remembered that she works on babies as well. So at 5 weeks old (after 4 weeks of no sleep and a grumpy baby) I took Porter to see Dr. Amanda. She warned us after our first visit that generally chiropractic care had one of 2 outcomes after the first round. Either he would sleep like he was dead, or he would be a nightmare. So being prepared for the worst, I really hoped for the best. It turned out that I was lucky, he slept like a dream! But it only lasted a day. We had him adjusted 6 times in 2 weeks and after adjustment number 6 things were much, much, much better. It was like I had a different baby. He now would only cry when he truly needed something. His gas was better, it didn't take me an hour to burp him, he smiled more, cried less and slept more soundly. 

So this month has been infinitely better than last month. I no longer give him Ovol, Infacol or Gripe Water but I still give him Bio Gia drops since it's a probiotic and is helping his digestion. I can eat sugar and some wheat again but still no dairy. But the dairy isn't such a big deal since I'm slightly lactose intolerant anyway. Now for the latest Porter details:

Porter Maxwell Whiteley

Age: 2 months

Weight: 11lbs 14oz

Height: 23.6 inches (Still really tall, 80th percentile. Crossing my fingers he got his dad's genetics for height!)

Wearing: 0-3 month old clothing, the tops fit well, bottoms are still too big.

New developments: Drooling (like crazy). He now smiles a lot when he sees someone he recognizes. He also makes a wide range of noises (all of them adorable). My favourite new development is the 6-9 hours of sleep a night! Sleep is heavenly!

Favorite things: Smiling, mornings (How did I get a morning baby? I'm terrible with mornings), baths, sleeping, eating, making a wide variety of noises/talking to anyone that will listen, watching the cows in his swing and drooling (his newest development).

Favorite clothes: His Etnies shoes that are just the tiniest bit to big, an adorable grey cardigan and his dinosaur sleeper.

Getting his feet warmed up by Daddy.

Oh mom.

Big smiles for Daddy.

Those eyelashes! I'm jealous.

Looking super skeptical this morning.

Matt is really getting the hang of this Dad thing. 
Eating while holding a baby, classic parent move.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great weekend. This Sunday we blessed our baby boy and my sister blessed her little guy. After the blessing we had some people over for a little bit of lunch. It was really fun to have people over and just chat with them. We then had dinner at my parent's house that evening, which was great. I love thanksgiving! I am soo grateful for the meal that was prepared for us! My whole family was together this year and it was just great to have my family close by. I'm really lucky in that respect. My family is all pretty close together with my parents and brother in Okotoks, my sister basically down the street and my other brother a couple of hours away in Edmonton. 

Porter and Tucker. They will be best friends I'm sure!

Our little family.

Looking adorable in his blessing outfit. 
Thanks Nanny!

Monday was the Whiteley family thanksgiving (also an awesome meal). Again so thankful to be close to Matt's family. We went over a little early so that Matt could help his dad and brother hang Christmas lights. He had hung all of ours on Saturday and they really look great. They spent a couple of hours with Matt climbing on the roof and subsequently ripping his pants. But we had great meal and Porter was awesome. I got a couple of great pictures to remember this year by.

This guy is just adorable!

This was the scene BEFORE dinner. 

Such a happy little dude.

Hanging out with Grandma.

Alright so now for just a few more random pictures I've taken this month!

Love this sleeper!

Oh such a silly boy.

Father-Son bonding after a bath.

He really loves bath time. 

All dressed up for church!

My 2 handsome men.

Another one before church (aren't overalls the best!?)