Thursday, May 3, 2012

An Ode to Matt

Sooo I can't sleep. I have far too many things running through my brain. I attended (and am in the process of attending) a Dental Hygiene conference here in Calgary and it got me thinking about a lot of different things. It's been a while since I had to learn stuff.. I'm off topic.

So one thing I appreciated today was Matt. It was a really long day. I had a headache all day that turned in to a migraine (I hate it when that happens). Anyway when I got home my awesome husband took care of me, he went out and got me some Ben-Gay (which really helps with my shoulder tension), bought me a fruit tray (fruit is pretty much the only thing I can eat with a migraine) and got me some Pom (a drink I love..). Anyway that got me thinking. I don't show as much appreciation to him as I should. I was laying in bed trying to sleep and I just couldn't shake this feeling that I should write down my thoughts. So here we are.

Meet Matt. He is awesome. I will start by telling you Matt is a painter. Now I feel I need to make a case for this. A lot of times when I tell people this, they have a predisposed notion about painters (they are uneducated, when are they going to university to get a more professional job, they don't make a lot of money). This makes me mad. I'm not going to get in to that. 

Matt is one of the hardest workers I have ever met. A lot of people would love if work wasn't happening for a week or two due to weather or other factors (myself included). Matt goes stir crazy after just a day. If something needs to be done, he will do it. If he has to work seven, 10 hour days one week, he will (I can't say he loves these times but he is willing to what has to be done). I don't know many people that would take that on. He works so ridiculously hard and I appreciate it. I cannot say I have the same drive.

Matt is skilled at what he does. How many of us can say that we can paint a perfectly straight line between the wall and ceiling or even wall and baseboards without tape? Definitely not me... and not a whole lot of people I know. That takes skill. 

Alright, I love my husband. But I also have a huge amount of respect for him. I am grateful for his talent and skill along with his work ethic and drive. I don't think he hears me say that enough. So I am proclaiming it to the world. My husband is awesome. He's the best.  He's just right for me.

Just thought you all should know.

I am now going to crawl in to my nice warm bed and try to sleep. I apologize for  spelling mistakes, uninterpretable (that's a word right) sentences and confusing paragraph structure. It's late. I'm tired. I just had to get words down. Alright all you internet surfers. Goodnight! I hope you look at those who are most important to you and take time to let them know it. It's a great feeling to be appreciated.

Just a treat. He doesn't always look like this.

This is the Matt I  know and love.

